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  • Lafayette National Park
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
1042Hearing on Lafayette National Park Road and Trail Development Held Before Secretary of the Interior Work Transcription, March 26, 1924
  • Document, Minutes
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Unites States Department of the Interior
  • 1924-03-26
A transcript of the hearing held before the Secretary of the Interior, Hubert Work, on the issue of road construction in Lafayette National Park. The transcript includes statements from the Secretary of the Interior, politicians, park administrators and citizens. People Mentioned: Hubert Work, Arno B. Cammerer, John Edward Nelson, George Wharton Pepper, George B. Dorr, Frederick Hale, Wallace Humphrey White Jr., George L. Stebbins, Harold Peabody, Robert Sterling Yard, Joseph Allen, Lincoln Cromwell, Mary Parkman Peabody, Charles Marlatt, Fred C. Lynam, Mrs. J. H. Huddilston, Clarence Little, A. L. T. Cummings, Willis Parsons, James Q. Gulnac, Fulton J. Redman, Harlan P. Kelsey, Ira G. Hersey, Harris A. Reynolds, Warren H. Manning, Daniel W. Hoegg [show more]
1041Lafayette National Park Road Construction Hearing Speakers List, undated
  • Document, List
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
A list of the names of individuals speaking during the hearing before the Secretary of the Interior on roads in Lafayette National Park on March 26, 1924. People Mentioned: Hubert Work, Arno B. Cammerer, John Edward Nelson, George Wharton Pepper, George B. Dorr, Frederick Hale, Wallace Humphrey White Jr., George L. Stebbins, Harold Peabody, Robert Sterling Yard, Joseph Allen, Lincoln Cromwell, Mary Parkman Peabody, Charles Marlatt, Fred C. Lynam, Mrs. J. H. Huddilston, Clarence Little, A. L. T. Cummings, Willis Parsons, James Q. Gulnac, Fulton J. Redman, Harlan P. Kelsey, Ira G. Hersey, Harris A. Reynolds, Warren H. Manning [show more]
1040New Roads on Mount Desert Island Petition, c. March 26, 1924
  • Document, Request, Petition
  • Places, Park
  • Transportation, Automobile
  • Rowell, Frank B.
  • 1924-03-26 c.
A petition by Frank B. Rowell to collect signatures of those opposed to planned road construction in Lafayette National Park. The petition is to be presented at a hearing in Washington, D.C. on the matter of the road projects. People Mentioned: George Wharton Pepper
1013Hubert Work to Frank B. Rowell Letter, July 16, 1924
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Places, Park
  • Recreation
  • Work, Hubert
  • 1924-07-16
A letter from the Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work to Frank Rowell regarding road construction in Lafayette National Park. Work believes that compromise between groups with opposing views and an "open door policy" of complete transparency with any plans related to development in the park are necessary in planning for the future of the national park. People Mentioned: George B. Dorr