1 - 4 of 4 resultsYou searched for: Place: Lafayette National Park✖Subject: Places✖This SiteAll Sites TableGridIndex CreatorDateIdentifierPlacePublisherSubjectTitleTypemodified date 102550100200 AllWith Images Refine Your SearchRefine Your SearchSubjectPlaces✖ParkRecreation (1)Transportation (3)TypeDocument (4)PlaceLafayette National Park✖Date1920s (3)none (1) Item 1042 Hearing on Lafayette National Park Road and Trail Development Held Before Secretary of the Interior Work Transcription, March 26, 1924Item 1041 Lafayette National Park Road Construction Hearing Speakers List, undatedItem 1040 New Roads on Mount Desert Island Petition, c. March 26, 1924Item 1013 Hubert Work to Frank B. Rowell Letter, July 16, 1924